Case studies

Hult International Business School

This case study is about a website migration and is primarily about information architecture, user experience, product management and prototyping. The problem Ashridge Executive Education is the executive education programme of Hult International Business School. I was asked to take a look at the current site and propose how it could be restructured in order to meet Ashridge House's business goals. There were some initial constraints set as the site was part of a wider migration that Hult International Business School was undertaking. The primary KPI was around lead generation with a focus on mobile. There was some initial analysis into understanding what...

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Farfetch user research workshop

Farfetch were rapidly expanding and transforming their existing design team into a multi-disciplinary product team. I was asked to conduct a one-day workshop to introduce visual designers to User Research. The day began with a brief talk about generalism, blurring skills, creating a multidisciplinary team and the role that User Research plays.   The rest of the day involved a series of hands-on activities where the team prepared and conducted user interviews and learned how to synthesise feedback. We rapidly prototyped ideas and conducted user testing sessions with timed exercises involving paper prototyping and role play.  This workshop was part of a...

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Smart Pension

The design problem Business problem Most people find pensions pretty boring. Across the industry it's well-reported that very few members ever open the envelope containing their pension statement or log into their pension provider's platform. Pension providers have a duty of care for their scheme members but if engagement is low this is harder for them to fulfil. The problem for people Pensions are scary. The value of a pension comes at a time in life that you may not want to think about now. You may have a projection for how much money you will get at retirement but...

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Drawing a podcast

Drawing a podcast

I illustrated the first 50 episode of the the Athletico Mince podcast. It’s hosted by Bob Mortimer and Andy Dawson. Why illustrations? Isn’t a podcast just audio (i.e. you only use your ears)? Listening happens kind of mostly invisibly (using only rudimentary human ears), people subscribe to a podcast and listen to each new episode as it comes out without looking at anything other than a play button. So really it’s been just about using your ears and maybe a thumb. Not much eyes. But the context as to how people explore podcasts and how they’re surfaced is changing, content discovery...

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